Nokia phones to come with Warner music

Nokia phones to come with Warner musicThe first casualty of this decade's digital music revolution has been music sales, as consumer switched from CDs to 99 cent singles or free downloads. But some industry executives see a chance to reverse the trend and sell music in significantly larger bundles -- more songs, in fact, than the average consumer buys in a year. That's the home-run swing promised by initiatives such as Nokia's Comes with Music, which signed up its third major record company today, Warner Music Group. Universal Music Group, an early advocate of this kind of thing, and Sony BMG were already on board, with EMI still in licensing talks.

The Comes with Music proposition is simple: buy a specially designated Nokia phone, get an unlimited number of seemingly free song downloads for one year. That's seemingly free, not actually free, because the price of the phone will include a hidden sum that Nokia will split with the labels and music publishers. Keep stay to visit


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